Educational Solutions

Adopt Digital Transformation in Your Educational Approach

Enhance your classroom experience with cutting-edge education solutions. You can maximize your learning outcomes with efficient educational tools that help unlock learners’ potential. 


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Our Educational Solutions Partners


Education Platforms

Teams for Education

Keep your students engaged in a virtual environment with face-to-face communications via Microsoft Teams. Trigger the activities by your remote students to lead classrooms while having fun and enjoying the learning process.

Zoho Learn

Have a comprehensive knowledge and learning management platform with Zoho Learn. Establish a hub for your employees to capture and retain knowledge and receive training programs. With Zoho Learn, you will be able to track and monitor the progress of your trainees.

NetSupport School

Manage your class efficiently and enable your instructors to surpass their peers. NetSupport offers an abundance of monitoring, control, collaboration, and assessment tools. It is designed in concert with teachers to respond to their needs in the classroom.

NetSupport DNA

Capitalize on user-friendly tools to manage and support IT assets governing a school network or campus. NetSupport DNA brims with features crafted to facilitate School IT management. It is optimized for easy management for school, staff, and student technology.


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Why Choose Alnafitha IT?

Alnafitha IT has a proven track record of delivering high-quality, reliable IT services to clients across various industries.

All-Inclusive IT Hub

Our IT services and solutions cover a wide range of technological demands, ranging from cloud infrastructure to business applications.

Experience in SA Market

Provided IT solutions and services to businesses in Saudi Arabia with various industries and government sectors.

End-to-End Services

Starting with assessments, passing through license or configuration, and concluding with deployment, we do it all!

Years of Experience
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+7000 companies trust Alnafitha IT