Utilize a Unified Platform for Your Marketing Teams

Centralize all your marketing activities under one platform with Zoho Marketing Plus. You will engage your audience across diverse channels, boost your teamโ€™s productivity, and maximize your marketing ROI. Broaden your brand reach with a unified marketing message.

Here are Zoho Marketing Plus apps: 

  • Email Marketing
  • Brand Assets
  • Marketing Automation
  • Events
  • Website Tracking
  • Webinars
  • Analytics
  • Customer Surveys
  • Social Media


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Whatโ€™s included?

Zoho Marketing Plus Features

Zoho Marketing Plus is a comprehensive marketing automation platform that offers a range of features to help businesses streamline and optimize their marketing efforts.

Unified Multi-Channel Engagement

Reach your audience through multiple channels including email, social media, surveys, webinars, and more. With Zoho Marketing Plus, you will be able to deliver a consistent brand image and experience. Connect your email and social media channels to import all your data right away.

  • Unified setup and consistent brand.
  • Coordinated team efforts.
  • Expansive engagement.

Manage Your Marketing Assets from One Place

Create, store, and manage your documents, videos, sheets, designs with Zoho Marketing Plus. Drive your marketing campaigns while having your marketing means in place. Adopt a distinctive collateral management approach and get high visibility on your content.

  • Powerful search through your content.
  • File details and sharing.
  • Team collaboration tools.

Captivate Your Audience via Multiple Touchpoints

Leverage omnichannel engagement paths with distinctive web pages, brilliant pop-ups, and personalized campaigns. Zoho Marketing Plus enables businesses to automate engagement efforts across customer journey. You can show your content to your customers based on their past preferences.

  • Attract potential buyers.
  • Talk to sales-ready leads.
  • View centralized campaign insights.

Interested to know more?

Track Your Website Performance

Assess your key metrics and evaluate how your visitors interact with your site and content. With Zoho Marketing Plus will help you make the most out of your web pages. You will analyze your visitorโ€™s footprint to drive your customers through your sales funnel faster.

  • Utilize website heatmaps.
  • Conduct A/B tests.
  • Analyze your links performance.

Stimulate Your Brand Management

Maintain unified brand management and avoid siloed brand administration. With Zoho Marketing Plus, you will integrate the communication means of your brand across channels. Enhance brand consistency, boost efficiency, and involve others to steer the wheel.

  • Manage channels and campaigns.
  • Control users and user permissions.
  • Interweave your marketing efforts.

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